Fibre Broadband – 50 Queen Street, Melbourne

50 Queen Street is perfectly situated in the heart of the Melbourne CBD, with close proximity to Flinders Street Train Station, Southbank and the best of Melbourne’s retail and recreational amenity. 

FIBRE BROADBAND up to 1Gbps now available to 50 Queen Street, Melbourne.

Binary Networks has recently expanded it’s national fibre broadband network to include 50 QUEEN STREET, MELBOURNE VIC 3000.  We have have a range of options available to suit your business size and budget with unlimited data included.

Using Fibre-to-the-Premises and Fibre-to-the-Basement technology and a business SLA, your business can achieve speeds up to 1000Mbps/1000Mbps!

If you are an existing or prospective tenant of 50 Queen Street, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.